If you or someone you love has been injured in an accident with a logging truck, it is important to consult with an experienced logging truck accident attorney as soon as possible. These accidents can result in catastrophic injuries, a massive amount of property damage, and even fatalities.
Logging trucks are subject to strict federal safety regulations and must be properly loaded, secured and maintained. Trucking companies that violate these rules can be held liable for your injuries and losses.
Unqualified Drivers
The logging industry is vital to the economy of Middle Tennessee. Logging trucks are used to haul trees and timber from logging sites to sawmills and processing plants.
Because of the heavy loads these trucks carry, they have to be carefully managed by their drivers. They also have to adhere to a strict set of safety standards in order to avoid accidents.
One way to help prevent these accidents is to ensure that drivers are qualified to operate a commercial vehicle. These requirements include having a valid driver’s license and being trained to drive a tractor-trailer.
Unfortunately, some trucking companies fail to hire qualified drivers or properly train them. This is a significant contributor to logging truck accidents.
Poor Maintenance
Commercial trucks go through a lot of stress, so it’s critical for trucking companies to keep their vehicles up to date with regular maintenance. By doing so, they reduce the likelihood of equipment failures, tire blowouts, and other costly problems.
Logging trucks are different from other commercial vehicles because their cargo is large and heavy, requiring a special level of expertise and care to carry safely. Additionally, logging trucks operate on rural roads and are more prone to rollovers and jackknife accidents.
In order to prevent these issues from occurring, it’s important for logging companies to ensure that their drivers are qualified. This can be accomplished by checking their driving records and making sure they have the right training and experience to handle the type of work that a logging truck does.
Defective Equipment
Defective equipment can be a common cause of truck accidents. This can be a failure on the part of the manufacturer or distributor, or it can also be a maintenance issue that was ignored.
If you have been injured in a trucking accident, it is important to determine who was responsible for the defective equipment that caused your injuries. You may be able to hold the manufacturer or distributor liable for your damages with the help of logging truck accident attorneys.
Similarly, you may be able to hold the person who loaded the truck if they did so in a negligent manner. This could make the truck unstable and lead to an accident.
When you are injured in a logging truck accident, it is important to contact an experienced attorney as soon as possible. An attorney can help you determine who was at fault and can pursue a claim for compensation.
Negligent Business Practices
The logging industry is littered with accidents of all types, from fatal collisions to minor fender benders. While no one can be blamed for being on the road at any given moment, a little planning goes a long way to avoid a crash. A savvy motorist will also take the time to read up on the latest highway regulations before they hit the road. For example, drivers are not allowed to ride in their cabs on public roads and are required to keep an eye out for roadside hazards like deer and wildflowers. If the trucking company fails to comply with these rules, you could be left out in the cold. If you are involved in a car crash with a commercial truck or trailer, the best course of action is to call on the experts at a reputable law firm.